
Monday, October 25, 2010

Enriching Technology.

Enriching Technology.

Idea: Set up Facebook groups for Every teacher.

Subjects : All subjects

Details: Set up a facebook group for every teacher. Facebook groups would be voluntary (or the teacher could make a list of students who have joined and make it mandatory). Updates of tests, quizzes and assignments would appear on the students' newsfeed. Lessons and Handouts could be uploaded to the group for the student to browse at their leisure.

Technology required:
Computers and Internet.

- Handouts and Lesson Powerpoints can be uploaded to the group.
- Reminders for Tests and Assignments can be easily seen on the students' newsfeed
- The number one time-waster for most students is facebook. May as well give them an oppurtunity to do somethign a little productive.
- No student can say "I forgot"

-Not everyone has facebook. However, the handfull that don't can easily set one up.

People required to make this work
-Teachers to manage the group
-IDC Students to teach them how to do stuff/ set it up
-Willing Students


  1. 1) Is the idea realisitc?

    I think that this idea is very realistic. Nearly all students have facebook and already sign up for useless "likes" and "groups" it seem appropriate to capitilize on those interests and turn it into something productive. It would not take a lot of time, maybe half an hour to set up the group and then just make sure that all of the students join. The only problem that might occur is if studnets do not have a Facebook account, but like you said, that can easily be fixed. Acess to the internet is available from almost anywhere, (Mobile phones incluced) so students will definetly benefit from this.

    2)Does this idea enrich learning?

    I dont think that enriches learning so much as it enriches the studying and reviewing process. Students will get constant remeinders about upcoming projects, trips, tests, quizzes etc., so that student that lost their planner in the beginnning of the year will definetly benefit from this, as well as the students who spend their afternoons and evening wasting away on facebook (This will make it productive) :)

  2. Is this idea realistic?
    The idea is realistic, but maybe not really efficient. I think Facebook is too distracting for students. In terms of accessibility, we have access to Facebook at home and home. However, like mentioned, Facebook would be too distracting because students would start going on Facebook and get off track at school. Also, this idea assumes that everyone will go on their Facebook everyday because they would have to check in case of any new updates.
    I think everyone does have the necessary skills to work with Facebook because it has a fairly simple interface.
    The time it takes to implement this wouldn’t take long because a majority of us are already exposed to Facebook. There isn’t much of a learning curve for this idea.

    Does this idea enrich learning?
    I think in an ideal way, this idea is very useful. However, learning becomes distracting when a very large social networking site is introduced to education. I think sites that are purely focused on courses would benefit the students better.

    All in all, I think if this idea is implemented, we need some sort of moderation on Facebook so students do not get distracted.
